Season 5 of Doctor Who ended spectacularly in "The Big Bang"!
I have to give full credit to the actors, especially Matt Smith's acting abilities, for pulling off the 2 part season finale episodes, "The Pandorica Opens" and "The Big Bang" brilliantly. Matt Smith has surely put my fears to rest in dreading I may not warm up to him as the new Doctor, after having David Tennant playing an awesome, and by far my favourite Doctor, for the last 5 years. (Special Episodes included)
Matt Smith's portrayal is very different from that of David Tennant and he has many endearing and funny qualities I like unique to his own interpretation of what and who the Doctor is. I see him as more loony and crazy than what I've previously seen in the Doctor, both in his personality and actions, that I'm finding it sometimes hard to believe that he's the Doctor who instills in you, if you threaten those around him, to just run away or you're sure to meet your doom. I rarely saw him as a serious, fearful and ruthless adversary, perhaps because of his boyish and youngish features, and maybe it is just me, but he failed to exude that fearsome ruthlessness about him. My husband even thinks and sees him as more "alien looking" in his features and actions, that he sure qualifies him as an alien rather than human in species and personality. I think he's just being mean, but he says he's not and there's no offense meant against Matt Smith and his looks!
On an added note: does anyone else notice that the Doctor seem to get younger in appearance every time he regenerates? Eccleston -> Tennant -> Smith. I'm not sure about the "classic" Doctors who've regenerated previously because I've not seen those series.
As for the new companion Amy Pond played by Karen Gillan, I instantly liked her after her introduction in the first episode called "The Eleveth Hour". I love her personality and accent! I also like her boyfriend, Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) who's a lovable and caring, protect your friends till the end character. I'm glad he was also brought back after "Cold Blood" because I actually missed him not being part of Amy's life. The additional appearance of River Song (Alex Kingston) was also what kept me glued throughout the season, as I initially wanted to know more about her relationship with the Doctor when her character was introduced in season 4, "Forest of the Dead". Here's hoping we'll know more in season 6, about her and her involvement/relationship with the Doctor, as she herself has been alluding, as I hate having to hear the word "spoilers" from her! My curiosity in not knowing is driving me insane!
As good as this last episode of season 5, "The Big Bang" was, mind you, I had to re-watch it more than once to get my brain around the "wibbly wobbly timey wimey" time traveling stuff! That kinda had my head spinning and had to backtrack a few times to get the story rolling along properly in my head! Through it all, I liked how there wasn't any of the "cheesy" stuff that Russell T. Davies usually writes in (though some are bearable, some likable and funny, but some leaving you asking "WHY"?), the new lead writer Steven Moffat kept the whole storyline execution realistic for me. In fact, I applaud the writers of season 5 for the storyline and plots they produced, which I really enjoyed because I found there was true quality, believability and realness to them, especially that of the episode with the famous painter, Vincent Van Gogh called "Vincent and the Doctor".