Sunday, November 13, 2011

I've enrolled and I'm now a University student!

So I've finally bit the bullet and decided to enrol to become a University student. It's a nerve wracking decision, but I realised, better late than never. Plus I've always wanted to get back to more studying after finishing my Diploma, but I just had other more important priorities come my way (getting married and having my precious children :) ) that led me to a detour, but now I'm finally starting to get back on track on achieving some of my own personal goals.

One of the great passions in my life are books and reading lots of them. I'm a bookworm and always have been ever since I learnt how to read. One day I want to own my very own Library! (I know, a big dream! :D). But I have purchased a lot of my own books both new and second hand, that have amounted to a fair collection, which have become my very own personal library of books, so my dream is halfway there :) . The other dream I have is to become a Lawyer - no scratch that! I meant, a Librarian! Yes, I want to be a Librarian! Surrounded by lots and lots of books! :D

So with my youngest child starting Kindergarten next year, it's now the perfect opportunity for me to get back to studying again and pursue the career I now want to do and love. In order to achieve that, I need to do a Degree in Bachelor of Arts in Librarianship and Corporate Information Management. That's why I've finally decided to get cracking and enrolled at Open University Australia to study by online correspondence and get that degree which will take me from 3-6yrs to complete. It was pretty easy enrolling and you can even get Government support to pay for your University fees (conditions apply) for the units required to be completed in your course.

So now that I'm enrolled, I will be starting my first unit "Introduction to University Learning" on November 28th, to get the hang of being a first time University student. This unit is also a refresher on the study methods and techniques and how to apply them, and seeing as I last studied more than 10yrs ago, I will definitely need to get the hang of studying again! Not only will this give me an idea of what studying will be like again, I'll have to learn to manage and balance my studies along with my family responsibilities and social life in order to pull this off successfully. I'm quite apprehensive about it all, but extremely excited to be doing something new and something I've wanted to do for a long time now. So with the purchase of my first University books, here's to I hope, a successful studying for the first 13 weeks and then beyond!  :-SS [-o< :D

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